Meet The Team: Hanna Rothenberg
Hanna’s sense of curiosity has led her to cultivate intellectual diversity, and to pursue new treatments that close gaps in healthcare. She studied English and Neuroscience. Hanna served as a NYCAM medic, helping vulnerable communities in NYC. The suffering of patients spurs her to constantly seek new ways for medicine to meet their needs: how do we make medical learning intuitive and recalled in detail across a career? How can we ethically develop new technologies that improve outcomes for everyone? To this end, Hanna works for Robossis to scale the nuance of a surgical robot for larger procedures, like femur realignment. She also works to train Robossis on femurs from different demographics and osteopathies. At Bienestar Pharmacy, Hanna serves as a Spanish language medic. She enjoys helping the future doctors of FFRI to build projects that support their unique goals of care.